Sunday, September 11, 2011

Assignment 2-2D Advertisement

I created an advertisement for a fictional record release to be used in both print and web publications. I wanted to use the element of mystery to draw the viewer into visiting the website of the record label.  This was achieved by the general sparseness of the ad displaying only the release date and a logo i created through cutting away at layers.  I wanted the composition of the ad to be balanced from a  visual weight standpoint, so the bottom features logos of both labels the record would be released  through (U.K. and U.S.). I chose to use helvetica as a font choice to help maintain the clean look.  Also it is a lighter feeling typeface.  It was important that I put the information within a boarder because the white of the page within the boarder becomes part of the ad itself.  Overall I wanted to create something clean and interesting. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Assignment 1-Ad Analysis

Web Ad- Fool's Gold Records

This advertisement was found on a social networking site and serves as a flyer for a concert. The structure of this ad is balanced with an even distribution of the visual elements on the surface. Although not perfectly symmetrical, the ad does achieve an equal distribution of weight on both sides of the central vertical axis using the arrangement of the text. All of the main text is illustrated, which I feel is an effective aesthetic choice for this type of ad because it allows the ad to lack seriousness. All of the information is contained within a boarder which keeps the readers within the content area.  Along with the illustrated text, the overall light color choice of the flyer gives it life, and is effective in conveying a particular attitude, feel, and message about the concert.

Print Ad- iPad 2

This is a print advertisement for Apple's iPad 2.  Like most Apple ads it has a very clean look.  To me, this is achieved in two ways. Firstly, having just an image of just a hand holding the product against a perfectly white background blemished only by the use of shadowing.  Secondly, the use of a simple black text and font choice of helvetica.  The ad has an informal structure however completely maintains its balance.  The iPad 2 logo with its text is placed in a spot that counteracts the visual weight of the  hand. The iPad itself remains neutral as it is centered.  The balancing act is completed by lack of content at the bottom allowing the white of the page serve as its own visual weight.  In my opinion,  like any Apple ad this one is effective in selling the identity that Apple has created. 

Print Ad- Nikon D7000

This is a print ad for a Nikon D-SLR camera.  The first thing that I noticed about the ad was that it was cut (not literally) into three sections horizontally.  The first section is the text which is a white helvetica font offering contrast to the black background.  Included with the white text is a bright yellow set of words. These words offer an extreme contrast to the black background forcing the reader to read the name of the product.  The second section is the actual cameras and part of the basketball player.  This occupies the visual space in the middle. The basketball player rounds it out in the third section giving the ad formal structure and a horizontal sense of balance.   

Billboard- Stella Artois

The most obvious compositional element of this Stella Artois billboard is the use of mirroring.  In this case the central axis would be the Stella Artois logo and the pair of subjects are the man and women.  Each of the subjects are wearing black garments which offers contrast to the white background and also keeps nearly everything in the ad black and white with the exception of the Stella Artois logo, forcing the viewer to be drawn into that point. The positioning of the three main objects in this piece also effectively balance the composition.

Print Ad- Pedigree

This print ad was used by Pedigree for an adoption drive.  The structure of the photograph making up the ad is shaped by the barbed-wire enclosing the subject.  A graduation occurs as the wire evenly creates a pattern across the piece.  The colors, along with the tone of the ad are dark with the exception of the box displaying the Pedigree logo and slogan for the campaign.  By making the box bright yellow contrast is created and they viewers eye is pulled to that area.  Even though the subject is in the center of the piece the balance is pulled to the right by both the bunched up wire and the information box.